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SciFi House Presents: Imagining Intelligence

Nov 24, 2021

In this season finale BDJ talks with guests about the shortcomings of AI, the perils of deploying it too early, and what gives them hope for the future of AI. 


Cory Doctorow (@doctorow)

Kade Crockford (@onekade)

August Cole (@august_cole)

Elliott Peper (@eliotpeper)

Cindy Cohn...

Nov 17, 2021

In this episode, Brian David Johnson talks with guests about their favorite AI's and non-typical AI's. 

Laura Moy (@lauramoy)

Rashida Richardson

Tim Fernholz (@TimFernholz_

Alida Draudt

Beau Woods (@beauwoods)

Cindy Cohn...

Nov 10, 2021

In this episode, Brian David Johnson talks with guests about the future of AI and what we should be optimizing for.


Douglas Rushkoff (@rushkoff)

August Cole (@august_cole)

Chris Noessl (@chrisnoessel)

Alida Draudt

Laura Moy

Cindy Cohn...

Nov 4, 2021

In this episode, Brian David Johnson gathers Kade Crockford, Eliot Peper, Tim O'Reilly, and Malka Older at the annual SXSW conference to discuss what sci-fi can teach us when it comes to how we think of AI today and how it can shape the future. 


Kade Crockford (@onekade)

Eliot Peper (@eliotpeper)

Tim O'Reilly...

Nov 4, 2021

In this episode, Brian David Johnson gathers science fiction authors, researchers, technologists, and activists at the annual SXSW conference to explore the human dimensions of machine intelligence.

- Tiffany Li
- Saayeli Mukherji 